Loyalist History
Loyalist History
The United Empire Loyalists and the Origins of Canada
the Millers at Miller's Creek


Meet the millers

I am standing on the right and next to me is my youngest son Chris, and beside him is my oldest son Craig and beside him is my brother Brian. We are standing on the bridge over Miller’s Creek on the Niagara River Parkway about 5 miles north of Fort Erie. This is where our Loyalist ancestor Andrew Miller received land from the government as a loyalist. Here he and his wife Elizabeth Everett built their home and farm and raised eleven children. 


The Miller “boys” stand beside the graveside monument in honour of our loyalist ancestor Andrew Miller who was born in 1766 and died in 1843. Andrew and Elizabeth remains were buried beside Miller’s Creek but when a Shipyard company bought the land my grandfather, Harry Miller and his brother Bert Miller dug up the bodies and took them to the cemetery at St John’s Anglican Church on Ridgemount Road.


Here we are standing beside the gravestones of Edward and Salome Miller in the McAfee Cemetery close to the Niagara Parkway. Edward was the youngest son of Andrew and Elizabeth Miller, and our great, great grandfather.


Presentation of UE certificate to Bruce Miller by Sue Hines, Dominion President, and Barbara Andrew, Past President of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada


Andrew Miller was a farmer. Perhaps he looked something like this!